Programs Using Technology
Programs Using Technology
Topic 4: Programs Using Technology

One way to encourage children with autism to engage more deeply with a book is to have them work together to make a movie or slideshow about the book's main characters and plot. Barbara Klipper's book, Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder, provides a model of a program like this. Over four weeks (45 minutes each week), children read and discuss a picture book, make characters and sets from the book, film their movie or slideshow, and host a screening of their work.
Another example of a technology-based program for children with autism comes from Longmont Public Library in Colorado. The Longmont Public Library partnered with a local robotics firm, ROBAUTO, to design and build a robot that children with autism could use in the library to help engage with the library's services and practice their social skills. The robots, called BiBlis, were designed with the help of an advisory board made of up children on the autism spectrum. Now, anyone interested in using a BiBli can schedule a 30-minute appointment at the library. The Longmont Public Library's website has more information about the creation of the BiBlis.
The Illinois State Library, through a grant from IMLS, created technology kits, including robots for specific use by libraries throughout Illinois: The kits also include iPads with apps that are helpful for children with autism.
Boy using a digital camcorder. [Photography]. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest.
Klipper, B. (2014). Programming for children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Chicago: ALA Editions.
Lego robot. [Photography]. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest.
Longmont Public Library. (n.d.). Get to know the BiBlis. Retrieved from