Module 6: Targeting Autism in Libraries
Welcome to Project ENABLE Training
Initial Assessment
Module 1: Disability Awareness
Module 2: Disability Law & Policy
Module 3: Creating an Accessible Library
Module 4: Planning Inclusive Programs and Instruction
Module 5: Assistive Technology in Libraries
Module 6: Targeting Autism in Libraries
Final Assessment
Training Resources
College and Career Information for People with ASD
College and Career Information for People with ASD
Topic 5: College and Career Information for People with ASD

General Resources
- ACCESS VR - Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), New York State resource that assists student with disabilities to transition from high school to career and college life. Provides financial assistance to students.
- Many colleges offer supports to people with ASD. Check with your college! Mercyhurst College is one example of the services colleges can and do provide to their students with autism.
- National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability for Youth - NCWD for Youth - The NCWD for Youth provides assistance to state and local workforce systems to better serve youth with disabilities, and underserved/disconnected youth.
- United States Department of Education - A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities - provides transition planning, services, and post-secondary options for education, employment, and independent living.
- Autism Society @AutismSociety - non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of all affected by autism
- @lisamariedom - Developed the Grace App, winner of the World Summit Award. It is designed for nonspeaking and speech-impaired persons, using pictures to form sentences and allow communication.
- Many local chapters from The Arc offer transition guidance
- National Council on Independent Living
- College Bound Help:
- Navigating College Handbook:
- The Centers on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA):videos showing meltdown stages in high school classroom)
- Child Mind Institute's article, Going to College With Autism
- College Internship Program/ CIP
- College Living Experience/ CLE
- College Steps
- Marshall University College Program for students with ASD
- Pace University - inclusion for ASD students
- Think College
- Thinking Person's Guide to Autism
- UDL - National Center on Universal Design for Learning
- Understanding Asperger Syndrome: A Professor's Guide website
- Understanding Asperger Syndrome: A Professor's Guide Video Part 1
- Understanding Asperger Syndrome: A Professor's Guide Video Part 2
- Making a Difference for Autism Scholarship Program
- Facebook Groups
- Autistics in libraries and their allies (Charlie Remy)
- ALA library think tank (Charlie Remy)
- A Special Community (Kerry Magro)
- Aspergers (large member count),
- Adults with Asperger's syndrome 2 (smaller group)
- Christians with Asperger's (smaller group).