Autism Post-Test

Autism Post-Test

____________ is a good option for some adults with autism seeking to become more comfortable in the physical workplace and gain more experience before becoming employed.
____________ is a good option for some adults with autism seeking to become more comfortable in the physical workplace and gain more experience before becoming employed.
A needs assessment results should…
A needs assessment results should…
Autism is diagnosed in boys and girls at equal rates.
Autism is diagnosed in boys and girls at equal rates.
Children with autism may make repetitive movements like flapping their hands, flipping objects, or spinning in circles. What is this behavior called?
Children with autism may make repetitive movements like flapping their hands, flipping objects, or spinning in circles. What is this behavior called?
From the ASCLA tip sheet, what is an example of an assistive technology your library could provide?
From the ASCLA tip sheet, what is an example of an assistive technology your library could provide?
How could an existing book discussion program be changed to be more inclusive?
How could an existing book discussion program be changed to be more inclusive?
Many people find certain jobs, such as paper handling or factory work monotonous, while people with ASD may find it comforting. Why do some people with autism enjoy these lines of work?
Many people find certain jobs, such as paper handling or factory work monotonous, while people with ASD may find it comforting. Why do some people with autism enjoy these lines of work?
Parents often begin expressing concern about autism when their children are about 18-24 months old.
Parents often begin expressing concern about autism when their children are about 18-24 months old.
Screening results have false positives.
Screening results have false positives.
The average age of an autism diagnosis in the United States is about 4 years old.
The average age of an autism diagnosis in the United States is about 4 years old.
The following are all ways to properly collect useful data except…
The following are all ways to properly collect useful data except…
There is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
There is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
There is not a link between mercury and autism.
There is not a link between mercury and autism.
To what does "Universal Design" refer?
To what does "Universal Design" refer?
Visit checklists are a support you can provide to people with autism that are intended to:
Visit checklists are a support you can provide to people with autism that are intended to:
What could be a component of a sensory storytime?
What could be a component of a sensory storytime?
What is networking?
What is networking?
What is the CDC's 2018 number for how many children have autism?
What is the CDC's 2018 number for how many children have autism?
What of the following is an environmental factor that may increase a child's risk for ASD?
What of the following is an environmental factor that may increase a child's risk for ASD?
What role might different genetic mutations play in ASD?
What role might different genetic mutations play in ASD?
What type of toy has been proven useful in ASD therapy?
What type of toy has been proven useful in ASD therapy?
When is having a multidisciplinary team of autism specialists helpful?
When is having a multidisciplinary team of autism specialists helpful?
Which of the following efforts to accommodate the needs of users with autism would be reasonable?
Which of the following efforts to accommodate the needs of users with autism would be reasonable?
Which of the following is an ADA communication regulation?
Which of the following is an ADA communication regulation?
Which of the following resources in the library collection has been shown to have a direct impact on social skills for patrons with ASD?
Which of the following resources in the library collection has been shown to have a direct impact on social skills for patrons with ASD?
Which of the following should be included in a library orientation for a person with autism?
Which of the following should be included in a library orientation for a person with autism?
Which of the following statements about the link between vaccines and autism is true?
Which of the following statements about the link between vaccines and autism is true?
Which of the following would be a good fit for people with autism that are also good visual thinkers? (drafting, laboratory technician, web design, auto mechanic, computer animation)
Which of the following would be a good fit for people with autism that are also good visual thinkers? (drafting, laboratory technician, web design, auto mechanic, computer animation)
Which of the following would be considered a poor fit for people with autism who are cognitively high, or what was previously termed “high functioning”?
Which of the following would be considered a poor fit for people with autism who are cognitively high, or what was previously termed “high functioning”?
Why are employers hesitant to hire people with autism?
Why are employers hesitant to hire people with autism?