Library Orientation

Library Orientation

Topic 3: Library Orientation

One-on-one orientations in the library are a great way to support children with ASD in a personal manner. Your orientation should include a walking tour of the library, if possible. During the orientation you will need to explain:

  • What a library is;
  • What kinds of items are in your library;
  • What items can be used while there and what items can be checked out (and how to care for materials when borrowed).
  • Where the restrooms and drinking fountains are located;
  • If you have a sensory room or sensory seating, be sure to show that area;
  • How to check materials out of the library (step-by-step) (and provide a visual guide in addition);
  • Introduce your staff and encourage asking for help if they need it;
  • How to return materials to your library, and
  • Library rules of behavior or conduct (Remember to provide a visual representation of the rules, especially in the Children's and Teens/Young Adult areas). Be sure to also point out the visual reinforcements of the rules you have posted, especially in the children's and teen's areas.


Some or all of these orientation topics may have to be repeated if a child with ASD forgets the information. You could create posters or visual aids that are available around your library. You can also provide the same information in the supports discussed below and make them available on your library's website.


One of the most important goals of an orientation should be to start building a relationship with the person with autism and demonstrate that library staff are always available and approachable for help.

Watch this Dimensions training video for library staff video clip (1 min) for tips on library orientation. 

 Here is the link to the transcript: Dimensions Training Video transcript


Dimensions. (n.d.) Autism friendly libraries: Tips for library staff and volunteers. Retrieved from


Dimensions. (n.d.). I'm going to the library. Retrieved from


DimensionsUKOnline. "Dimensions Autism Friendly Libraries Training Video for Library Staff." YouTube, YouTube, 1 July 2016,