The ENABLEd Librarian: A Pre-Service Librarian?s Perspective

  November 01, 2017 |    Guest Blogger: Amy Rohmiller, MSLIS Student, Library & Information Science, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

Project ENABLE has been an invaluable resource in helping me learn more about creating opportunities for equal access. Like many pre-service librarians, I took the existing Project ENABLE training to gain more knowledge about providing effective library and information services to users with a range of disabilities...

The ENABLEd Librarian: The Story Behind Targeting Autism

  December 01, 2017 |    Guest Blogger: Suzanne Schriar, Associate Director, Library Automation & Technology, Illinois State Library

Since 2014, Targeting Autism, an IMLS grant project based at the Illinois State Library in Springfield, Illinois, has grappled with the challenges of providing excellent library services, including needed accommodations and programming relevant for residents impacted by autism. To understand why autism should be an important focus of libraries, we need only to acknowledge its prevalence (affecting more than two million Americans) and the role of libraries...

The ENABLEd Librarian: Targeting Autism

  October 01, 2017 |    Ruth V. Small, Ph.D., Director, Project ENABLE

 I am hearing that some of you are curious about our newest learning module, Module 6: "Targeting Autism in Libraries." So, I'd like to tell you a little about it, how it came to be and what you can expect to see on the Project ENABLE site sometime in early spring 2018...



The ENABLEd Librarian

  August 01, 2017 |    Ruth V. Small, Ph.D., Director, Project ENABLE

Hello and welcome to the first issue of the Project ENABLE website's monthly blog, The ENABLEd Librarian...

Project Enable Blog




