Project ENABLE is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and support from the following organizations:

Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) Syracuse, NY
"The Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University reaches around the globe in its efforts to advance the civic, economic, and social participation of people with disabilities. BBI builds on the legacy of Burton Blatt, former dean of SU's School of Education and a pioneering disability rights scholar, to better the lives of people with disabilities. BBI has offices in Syracuse, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta. Given the strong ties between one's ability to earn income and fully participate in their communities, BBI's work focuses on two interconnected Innovation Areas: Economic Participation and Community Participation. Through program development, research, and public policy guidance in these Innovation Areas, BBI advances the full inclusion of people with disabilities." (BBI, 2012)

DataMomentum Enhanced Web Development Ithaca, NY
DataMomentum integrates Web Content Management into all of their web solutions including Commercial, Education, Not for Profit, and Shopping. DataMomentum's corporate office is in Ithaca NY, and has supported clients throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. Contact Data Momentum for web site development that requires fast, convenient content updates as well as satisfying current web site accessibility standards and expectations. Special attention is always directed at optimizing for ease of use, search engine placement, and integration with existing business workflow requirements.

Syracuse University School of Information Studies Syracuse, NY
"The School of Information Studies is The Original Information School in the nation. It is a leading center for innovative programs in information policy, information behavior, information management, information systems, information technology and information services. The nationally ranked school (U.S. News and World Report) has professional degree programs at the undergraduate and master's levels and research and professional degrees at the doctoral level. The school offers its master's programs in campus and online formats. The faculty combines expertise in information systems, linguistics, computer science, library science, education, business management, school media, digital literacy, management information systems, telecommunications, wireless and emerging technologies, and communication. The faculty are very active in research topics that reflect their diverse intellectual backgrounds and interests." (SU iSchool, 2013)

Institute for Museum and Library Services Washington, DC
"The mission of IMLS is to inspire libraries and museums to advance innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement. We provide leadership through research, policy development, and grant making. IMLS supports the full range of libraries, including public, academic, research, special and tribal, and the full range of museums including art, history, science and technology, children's museums, historical societies, tribal museums, planetariums, botanic gardens and zoos." (IMLS, 2013)

Targeting Autism for Libraries
The Illinois State Library's Targeting Autism: A Comprehensive Training and Education Program for Librarians is funded through an IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant to develop and deliver innovative, multi-faceted and replicable training programs designed to improve library services and programs for ASD communities in Illinois and the country. Syracuse University's Project ENABLE is a partner in this project with ILS and Dominican University.

Infopeople is the education/training branch of Califa, a nonprofit library membership consortium. Infopeople provides Continuing Education and Professional Development opportunities to library staff throughout North America.
Previous Project Team Members
William Myhill, M.Ed., J.D., Project Co-PI (2010-2015)
Renee Hill, Ph.D., Project Co-PI, (2010-2012)
Previous Advisory Board Members (2013-2015)
Rachael Altman
Sonja J.M. Cooper, Ed.D., J.D., LL.M.
K. Matthew Dames, Ph.D., J.D.
Kori Gerbig
Meg Kolaya
Charles O'Bryan
Suzanne Schriar
Previous Project Assistants
Remy Biggs, Project Assistant, 2018-2019
Leslie Pcolinsky, Project Assistant, 2017-2019
Katie McGinnis, Project Assistant, 2017-2019
Kenneth Roman, MSLISSM, Lead Project Assistant, 2015
Katie Justus, MSLIS Candidate, Lead Project Assistant, 2013-2015
Lydia Herring-Harrington, Ph.D., MSLIS Candidate, Project Assistant, 2013-2015
Carolyn Fargnoli, Ph.D., MSLIS Candidate, Project Assistant, 2013-2015
Jessica Regitano, MSLIS Candidate, Part-Time Project Assistant, 2014
Kristen Link, Ph.D., M.L.I.S., Lead Project Assistant, 2010-2012
Jessica Stewart, MSLIS, Lead Project Assistant, September 2011-2013
Erin Bennett, MSLIS, Part-Time Project Assistant, 2012-2013
Stephanie Helsher, MSLIS, Part-Time Project Assistant, 2012-2013
Morgan Bond, MSLIS, Part-Time Project Assistant, 2012-2013
Lisa Umland, MSLIS, Part-Time Project Assistant, 2012-2013
Bernadette Pasek, M.L.I.S., Part-Time Project Assistant, 2011-2012