Welcome to the Project ENABLE resource database, an organic resource for librarians, teachers parents, and others who serve and/or support people with disabilities. There are currently more than 1,000 items in the database and new items are being added to the database on a regular basis.
You can search this database in a variety of ways. The major way is by Category. In this database, there are two sets of categories: Disability categories and Challenge categories. The Challenge categories are some of the issues that librarians often face when making their libraries more accessible and inclusive.
If you wish to see all of the items in the database, just click on Categories View All.
There are other search options, including Audience (from children to adults), Format (type of resource such as book or video) and Keyword (e.g., a particular topic you wish to explore).
You could choose to search only one specific disability or challenge from the list on the left OR type a specific word into the Keyword search box for a more precise search. For example, you could search both the Challenge category Essential Resources and type in blind as a Keyword.
You can search any of the search fields independently (e.g., just by audience) or combine search terms, You might wish to select a specific disability or challenge and any or all of the other search fields ---Keyword (type-in), Audience (pulldown) and Format (pulldown). For example, you could search the Challenge category “Essential Resources,” the Audience “Grades 6-8,” the Format “Video” and/or type in “blind” as a Keyword.
NOTE: Just remember, choosing multiple search terms will narrow the number of database items revealed in your search results.
IMPORTANT: To start a new search, be sure to click on Clear after you have completed a search.