Room Design Activity

Before you begin, take a moment to read the directions below:


Step 1. Under the area titled "Shape" on the right side of the screen, choose the shape of your library space (i.e., rectangle, square, or L-shape) by clicking the appropriate shape and button under the area titled "Shape."


Step 2. Under the area titled "Size" on the right side of the screen under "Shape" you can adjust the size of your library space by moving the small blue button left or right to meet your desired preferences for the width and length. You may choose between 3-25 feet wide and 3-20 feet long for your library floor space. If you chose the L-shape for your space in Step 1, you will be able to determine the width (3-25 feet) and length (3-25 feet) of the L-shape itself. You will not be able to adjust the width and length of the L-shape unless you have previously chosen this for your floor space shape. Please Note: If you decide to change this later, all of the furniture pieces you have placed in your designed space will be removed and unrecoverable.

Step 3. Under the area titled "Floors" on the right side of the screen under "Size" you can change the pattern style or color for your floor space. To change the pattern style click on the appropriate button for the alternative options. If you would rather your floor be a solid color than a pattern, click on the color you desire from the color wheel and/or gradiation from the square inside the color wheel. Please Note: You will not be able to change your floor space to include both a pattern style and color as you will have to choose one or the other.


Step 4. Now, drag and drop the labeled objects designating furniture pieces, located at the bottom of the floor space, onto your floor space. Please Note: You can click on the blue button labeled "Show Guidelines" in the top right corner of the floor space to show and hide the ruler guidelines to assist with getting just the space proportions you need.


Step 5. Have fun and think about all the new ways you can make your space more accessible!


Step 6. When you have finished designing your space, click on the button labeled "Done" in the top right corner between "Reset" and "Print" to see if you considered the ADA guidelines. You can also click on the blue button labeled "Print" to print your newly designed space (you cannot save it). If you press "Reset" you will be provided with a new floor space but do note that once you have clicked this you will not be able to recover your previous design.