>>> Narrator: The Mitten by Jan Brett and Jan Brett she wrote the story and she drew all the pictures. She’s both an author and an illustrator. Now right now we are not gonna read the words. We’re just gonna look at the pictures and see if we can know what the story is gonna be about. So let’s look at this picture right here, what kind of weather is it outside?

>>> Child: Snow.

>>> Narrator: And what kind of weather is snow? Is that nice warm weather or cold weather?

>>> Child: Cold weather.

>>> Narrator: That’s right. What do you think is happening with this lady over here? What do you think?

>>> Child: She’s making a mitten.

>>> Narrator: Can you guess from the picture, look at the shape. See that shape? It’s the shape of a mitten isn’t it. All kinds of clever things in this story. Oh you’re right look it looks like she is , she’s knitting something. What color is it?

>>> Child: White.

>>> Narrator: What color is snow?

>>> Child: White

>>> Narrator: Hmmm. Do you think it’s a good idea to have a white mitten in the white snow?

>>> Child: No.

>>> Narrator: Look at the picture. Do you see something in the snow that shouldn’t be there? I see one mitten here that’s white. Do you see anything in the snow?

>>> Child: That shouldn’t be there?

>>> Narrator: Yeah! What is that?

>>> Child: That’s...a...mitten.

>>>Narrator: Oh. Do you think he might have lost his mitten?

>>> Child: Hmmm

>>> Narrator: Why do you think this guy is here?

>>> Child: He shouldn’t be there.

>>> Narrator: What’s he gonna do. Let’s turn the page and see. Oh, what is he, what is he looking at?

>>> Child: The mitten.

>>> Narrator: What do you think he might do with the mitten? We’re gonna find out. And look. Now why do you think this rabbit is in the mitten. First we had this, this mole here. Now we see the rabbit here and, oh what did the rabbit do? What did the mole do?

>>> Child: The covered it.

>>> Narrator: They covered it. They go inside the mitten.

>>> Child: No.

>>> Narrator: Look at that really close. Are they in the mitten?

>>> Child: No.

>>> Narrator: Yeah they are. They’re in the mitten and what is this? Do you think this animal might come next? Let’s see what happens. Oh look. Is there enough room for all these animals?

>>> Child: No.

>>> Narrator: See what happens. What animal do you think might come next? Looking at the picture. What is that?

>>> Child: A owl.

>>> Narrator: You think an owl might come next? Let’s find out. You were, you were right. And what do you think that owl is gonna want to do if the mole and the rabbit and the hedgehog are in the mitten? What you think the owl is gonna want to do?

>>> Child: Let’s turn the page and see.

>>> Narrator: Okay. What did the owl want to do?

>>> Child: go inside.

>>> Narrator: But look at the mitten. That’s a big mitten now. What do you think might happen to the mitten? And look at this badger. What do you think he’s gonna want to do?

>>>Child: He wants to go into the mitten.

>>> Narrator: You think so and what is that?

>>> Child: Wolf might go into the mitten too.

>>> Narrator: Let's find out. Oh there’s the badger and look at that. There’s the fox. You called a wolf, he’s a fox. Is he gonna try and get the mitten? Is there gonna be enough room in the mitten?

>>> Child: It’s going to explode.

>>> Narrator: You think so? What is that?

>>> Child: A bear.

>>> Narrator: Can a bear fit in a mitten?

>>> Child: No.

>>> Narrator: Well let’s find out and see. Oh is that bear gonna try and get in that mitten?

>>>: Child: Yeah.

>>> Narrator:Oh boy. I don’t know if he’s gonna make it. Let’s see. Oh did he make it in the mitten? Oh my gosh. Look at that big big mitten. What’s coming next? Is it gonna be an animal bigger than the bear? What is it? It’s a little what?

>>> Child: Mouse.

>>> Narrator: A little mouse. What’s gonna happen? What does the little boy realize? Look at his face. What does he realize now?

>>> Child: That he lost a mitten.

>>> Narrator: That’s right. So let’s turn the page and, oh you are right. What happened to the mitten? Why are all the animals flying everywhere?

>>> Child: Because it’s exploded.

>>> Narrator: Let’s see. What’s a little boy doing? Where do you think he’s going?

>>> Child: Going to see…

>>> Narrator: See if you can find what and what does he see in the sky?

>>> Child: His mitten.

>>> Narrator: How did it get up there?

>>> Child: Because all the animals tried to get out.

>>> Narrator: And look there the animals in the snow and look he catches the mitten. Is it, do you think he might be going home now? Uh-oh, what is he showing her? Why do you think that mittens bigger than that mitten?

>>> Child: Because they were inside of it.

>>>Yeah. Do you think they stretched out that mitten? Good and that’s how you do a picture walk through a book. Asking lots of questions, drawing inferences from the pictures, making predictions. Picture walk.